Guide To Summer
A creative’s process for doing and making orginates from a deep place. While the connection to this place constantly changes, nurturing its relationship is a creative’s first priority.
What disrupts this delicate process is when we struggle to answer the question, “For whom am I doing this work?”
In these moments, the thread of creativity is best served with a break. The parts of the process crave some open space, fresh air, and rest.
Now, is one of those times for me.
With the oncoming arrival of a new season, here is my approach to the next few months via this Sunday Morning Joe Guide to Summer:
Spend time outside
Spend time in solitude
Spend time connecting with people free of digital activity
Spend time learning something new
Spend time slowing down
Spend time giving doing what is essential
Spend time asking, “How could this be more simple?”
Of course you are welcome to adopt this guide to your summer too. Or better yet, use this guide to create your own.
Next week, I will publish a season finale Sunday Morning Joe post, which I hope you will read. It ties together a year of writing about simplicity.
I am not disappearing altogether. Before resuming Sunday Morning Joe in the late summer or early autumn, I have a few projects that might be of interest to you.
Summer Reading List
Lots of people recommend books to read. I decided to compile a list of books that profoundly affected me in a few major turning points in my life:
* Winning an Olympic Gold Medal (all of these are prior to 1992!)
* Turning around my health at a low point in my life when I felt stuck in my CEO job leading an Olympic sport
* Launching a quality of life adventure and moving to the Spanish state of Catalunya
If you would like to receive this reading list, simply let me know by replying to this email and I will send it to you.
5 With Joe
I am excited to create and share new content via 5 With Joe, my Performance Coaching practice. One project I have recently launched is a Question & Answer segment on YouTube. You can watch the first episode HERE.
If you would like to form a closer relationship with me via my 5 With JoePerformance Coaching practice, simply reply to this email and I will add you to the 5 With Joe email list.
I will see you next week!
With gratitude,
Perform your best at what matters most without compromising your life. Let’s design your simple and clear plan to get you and your team outside of the day-to-day rush of life and bring focus to what truly matters most.