It’s Planting Season
(I wrote this Sunday Morning Joe post two years ago. It seems relevant today. When working through our own changes in the face of a lot of other changes, improving the ground beneath where we live and work is always worth the time and effort.)
One of my favorite sports physiologists says, “Big trees grow slowly.”
And the best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago.
The envy-factor kicks in when you come across someone just like you, who is accomplished at a skill or is fulfilled in their dream job or the place they choose to live their life.
It’s human to wish we had started to learn a skill in our youth, or a decade ago, even five years or one year ago.
Who stood in your way? What blocked your momentum?
Start Now = Seed Plant
There is a quest that pulls at you right now. What is it? Ten years from now you can feel it as a regret or you can relish it as an accomplishment.
To plant seeds every day means to exercise a daily practice of self-investment, far removed from the immediacy of what appears to be in your way.
Whether its work, relationships, or life skills… by all means, find a few tactics that reduce friction of taking a small step forward, the only trade-off is a little time in your day.
And with that little bit of time each day, you plant a seed.
Consistency and patience in our practice anchor a culture where we compassionately place ourselves ahead of our challenges. Turning inward, not out, for a few minutes with no comparison to someone more accomplished or judgment about yourself, IS the seed to plant every day.
And the good news is that every day in YOUR space, it is planting season.
That’s how a few minutes becomes 10 years.
With gratitude, Joe
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5 With Joe Performance Coaching
I coach established and experienced professionals, who feel stuck in place, to thrive in transition and bring focus to what matters most without compromising their lives.
My personal experiences winning an Olympic Gold Medal, serving as CEO of a national sports organization, and my current “Simple, Slower, and Less” lifestyle in the Catalan Pyrenees help to form accountable and transformative collaborations that see my clients create their next and most impactful chapter.