Simply said, Lorenzo L Pesce → one of the best responses to a post I’ve ever read. I took way more from what you wrote here than what I wrote here — THANK YOU!!
Just about an hour ago, I was out on a run here in La Seu with a friend with whom I am training for the Barcelona Marathon next spring. While running she asked, “What is your goal?”
I said I had some ideas but really, this is about the experience of training in a new place, with different conditions, a language I am (slowly) learning, etc.
After hearing the answer, she said, “It is important just to finish…. with dignity.”
What wise words. I believe it speaks to the awareness that you write about here — being more mindful of the process (which another person wrote about his comments responding to the same post.
And finally, thank you for the perfect frame of our Olympic race — I’m going to use that one day :-)