The Art Of
A few weeks ago, I competed in a triathlon held deep in the wilderness mountains of western North Carolina. The second leg of the event was an arduous trail run. This particular trail system in mid-November is largely defined by leaves — the slippery and crunchy ones on the ground — more so than by the few that lifelessly cling to branches.
A carpet of dry leaves on any trail amplifies the sound of approaching competitors.
But somehow not Julie. Her running stride is light and effortless. You feel her movement on the path — you don’t hear it.
Julie glides by me on a long, steep uphill section of the race route. Within a few more bends in the trail, Julie is out of sight. In the few seconds it takes for her to pass me, she leaves behind an indelible mark on my race experience.
Just 7 days earlier, Julie’s husband lost his battle with cancer.
Julie’s triathletic presence and output on this day encapsulate something extraordinary beyond the usual race day performance. Courage to compete, grow, and stretch are her powerful personal expression. She used this race to transform her process of athletic performance into *The Art Of* athletic performance.
The Opening
It can be easy to view yourself as a product of the system or a follower of other people’s rules. But, within your own pursuits — even the most mundane activities — there is an opening that invites your personal touch, imperfect choices, true beliefs, and unique gifts to the world. That opening calls out ceaselessly for your awareness of its presence.
Through that opening lives “The Art Of.” It’s poised to elevate your creative intention of every activity in which you engage. Such as Julie’s transformation of her trail run into a beautifully crafted quest.
What’s at stake?
The view of life’s daily “openings” is often obstructed, even defended, by that persistent gatekeeper I call your COS (Comfortable Operating System.)
I’m just over one year removed from 5 years at a job entrenched in the highest degree of Other People’s Rules. Every day since leaving that job, I have stood before an opening, guarded by my COS, unsure of whether to proceed. Sometimes I did. Often I didn’t. Here’s what I came to realize:
*The Art Of* challenges the status quo. Your COS abides by it.
*The Art Of* embraces uncertainty. Your COS flees from it.
*The Art Of* experiments. Your COS settles.
*The Art Of* seeks freedom. Your COS establishes limits.
My 3 words for 2016 are the “The Art Of.”
I’m a fan of Chris Brogan’s 3 Words annual exercise — choose three words that set the stage for the year ahead. Normally, I would choose three actions that align more with who I want to become. This year, something different.
In 2016 I will place these 3 words in front of some of my most important pursuits and even minor (usually mindless) activities. My important pursuits are coaching, writing, performance, gratitude, and love for family & friends.
*The Art Of* changes the pursuit.
*The Art Of* changes me.
*The Art Of* is a re-awakening.
And that’s the point.
We are now in that time of year when we are surrounded by non-stop blabbing about resolutions and self-improvement.
So, try this:
Take one pursuit. Just one.
Add the words “The Art Of” in front of it.
And start.
One final request. Tell me your 3 words for 2016. Put them in an email to me, or leave a comment, or tag me in a social media post.
I’d love to share all of them in a future post.
With gratitude,
Ps — If you enjoyed this post, it would mean a great deal to me if you shared it. Please use the hashtag #TheArtOf
Hi, I’m Joe, the owner of 5 With Joe Performance Coaching. My clients are leaders, organizations, and teams who utilize my Olympic Gold Medal performance strategies and 40 years of navigating whitewater river rapids to streamline decision making and actions when engaged in complicated river currents of business and life.
The best way to interact with me is through Sunday Morning Joe, my weekly newsletter that explores the art of improving performance, overcoming challenge, and aligning with purpose for Sunday readers in search of more depth and motivation. Subscribe HERE for free.