The Tribe You Lead
It has never been easier to communicate an idea. Which is stellar since a good number of us are in the market for ideas. In the world of creators, current platforms streamline the process of connecting ideas.
Creators pin their hopes that an idea will connect with one other person. That’s all it takes. They hope that you choose to align with their inspiration.
When one idea connects with one person, this combo can gain some mutually acceptable traction. Maybe even some repetition of productive actions.
It is satisfying to receive external support from others.
External support is addictive… and dangerous
In any phase, an idea can be at risk of transforming its identity. This is especially true if its creator becomes distracted by growth and acclaim.
There is a cultural obsession for audience building. This has turned into a revered quality of many creative pursuits. We have come to believe that more consumers of an idea is equal to a *winning* idea.
Look around at your particular industry — Are you told that to be seen as a success you must have more subscribers, more viewers, more followers, more fans, more votes, more spins, or more listeners?
Ask yourself:
Do you create an idea to grow its fan base?
Do you create an idea to serve others?
A growth-consumed landscape is a wasteland of broken creativity
When a creator confuses *idea creation* with *tribe magnification* not only is the quality of the tribe compromised — but more critically, the idea by which a tribe is being served becomes secondary.
Which brings me to this…
Four years ago this week I shared an idea with Mark, Leslie, Kam, Lori, and Bill. Just my own truth conveyed in the spirit of serving others.
On that Sunday morning, the original five readers of Sunday Morning Joe formed into a meaningful community of readers who explored and reflected upon what matters most. This led to deeper conversations, significant life changes, and profound shifts in perspectives.
If you told me four years ago that I would have written, only, for those first five people, I would not have changed a thing. I have goosebumps just thinking how much these five have evolved in their own lives.
Whether you have been here since week one or joined us starting this week, please know that you are member of a quality tribe that supports an idea that I keep in the forefront.
Yes, the number of readers has grown. But, this growth took place as a secondary and silent function of what matters most here in this space — ideas shared in the spirit of serving others.
The response you choose here each week has served me in ways you cannot imagine. You keep me inspired.
For this I am grateful.
Do you know somebody who would benefit from reading this post? Consider sharing The Tribe You Lead using THIS LINK and the hashtag #ServeYourTribe.
Hi, I’m Joe, the owner of 5 With Joe Performance Coaching. My clients are leaders, organizations, and teams who utilize my Olympic Gold Medal performance strategies and 40 years of navigating whitewater river rapids to streamline decision making and actions when engaged in complicated river currents of business and life.
The best way to interact with me is through Sunday Morning Joe, my weekly newsletter that explores the art of improving performance, overcoming challenge, and aligning with purpose for Sunday readers in search of more depth and motivation. Subscribe HERE for free.